EENSULATE demonstration sites

Public Library San Giovanni - Pesaro, Italy

Pilot description

Hosted by the ancient monastery of the Frati Minori Osservanti, once annexed to the church of San Giovanni Battista (one of Pesaro’s most beautiful architectural works) and planned by the Della Rovere family’s architect Girolamo Genga, the library San Giovanni is an example where the historical (the façade facing the access street) and contemporary architecture elements coexists. Those elements are a large windowed eyelet for the lighting of the public spaces and a curtain walling façade in the building's main entrance. The building acted as a demo for testing EENSULATE glass in one window of the historical façade. Although Pesaro municipality is not a project partner, they made this building available as a demonstration case of the EENSULATE project.

Intervention details

The intervention was done by implementation of EENSULATE glass based on VIG (Vacuum Insulated Glass) technology in a door window located in an area of the building organized at an open space hosting a kid library. The VIG was installed directly in the original frame of the door window, minimizing the work carried out as well as the waste of material. The simple substitution of the glass part of the door window with a high insulating VIG increases the thermal insulation of the window system with a consequent benefit for the visitors. The door window is composed of two parts, the above one is fixed (without the possibility of opening) and the bottom part is an emergency door exit leading directly outside the building.

Monitoring phase

Monitoring of the intervention consisted of measuring the indoor thermal conditions and thermal comfort conditions of users (i.e. the PMV-Predicted Mean Vote) as well as the measurement of environmental and personal parameters such as:

  • Indoor air temperature Ta [°C]
  • Indoor relative humidity RH [%]
  • Mean radiant temperature MRT [°C]
  • Metabolic activity of the subject M [met]
  • Clothing level of the subject Icl [clo]

The performance of the glazed system is also monitored in terms of thermal transmittance and radiative property. The following parameters will be measured:

  • Indoor and outdoor glass surface temperature [°C]
  • Indoor and outdoor air temperature [°C]
  • Heat flux across the glass [W/m2]
  • Indoor and outdoor solar irradiance [W/m2]
  • Indoor and outdoor luminous flux per unit area [lux]

pesaro public library demo


Polish School - Dzierżoniów, Poland

Pilot description

The Polish school resides in a curtain wall building which the Dzierżoniów municipality aims to refurbish to improve the façade performances. The EENSULATE renovation intervention consisted of introducing glazing curtain walls to enhance the building profile to zero energy in line with EU and national targets for public buildings. After the implementation of EENSULATE solutions, the building was a demo case proving the project results to both national and international stakeholders and enhancing the image of Dzierżoniów municipality.

Intervention details

The renovation intervention consisted of the full substitution of the curtain wall façade (including frame) of the school building. The selected façade was one of three façades of the building. The refurbished building area is organized as an open- space where students spend their free time during breaks. In order to compare the performances of the project-developed solution, two floors of the building façade were partially covered by EENSULATE modules with VIGs and the rest by the same module using standard TGU (Triple Glass Unit) in the frame.

Monitoring phase

The pilot will be exploited to monitor the Eensulate VIG system performances in a real installation in comparison to a common low energy triple glass. In order to perform that relative characterization both the system will be monitored with thermal and irradiance sensors. A picture of the primary school facade is reported in Figure 1, with evidenced in red the Eensulate VIG system and in yellow the standard glass installed in a frame close to the Eensulate one. The main quantities to be monitored are:

  • Internal and external glass surface temperature
  • Indoor and outdoor air temperature
  • Heat flux through the glass
  • Visible external and internal radiation
  • Solar external and internal radiation.

Polish school


Muzeum Miejskie Dzierżoniowa - Dzierżoniów, Poland

Pilot description

The Muzeum, built in 1897, originally belonged to Hermann Cohn, Cohn Gebrüder co-founder and was one of the first mechanical weaving mills in Dzierżoniów. The building has undergone many renovations and adaptations in order to adapt the space for museum purposes. Preserved elements of the interior gradually returned to their former state thanks to conservation work. Today the museum hosts permanent exhibitions, including cartographic collections concerning Dzierżoniów and the surrounding area. A large collection of artifacts illustrates the development of the region since the late Paleolithic times.

Intervention details

The intervention and the implementation of EENSULATE glass based on VIG (Vacuum Insulated Glass) technology was done in a selected number of museum windows. Being a historical building, renovation works, including the ones related to the windows, are subject to several and severe restrictions to preserve their artistic value. For this reason, the implementation of VIG directly in the original windows minimised the impact of the intervention increasing the insulation capacity with a benefit for the people inside the room. This kind of operation is possible thanks to the low thickness (12.2 mm) and lightweight of the VIG, perfectly adapting to the original windows increasing their performances without changing neither the materials (the window frame is the original) nor the aesthetic aspect.

Monitoring phase

This pilot was monitored to estimate relative glass thermal and optical transmittance performances. Two glass systems were monitored: the one that includes the EENSULATE system and the traditional one. The main quantities to be monitored were:

  • Internal and external glass surface temperature
  • Indoor and outdoor air temperature
  • Heat flux through the glass
  • Visible external and internal radiation
  • Solar external and internal radiation.

In addition, in the Dzierżoniowie Museum, thermal comfort will be monitored. To this aim the following quantities will be measured:

  • Room mean radiant temperature
  • Relative humidity
  • Velocity of the air in the room.

Polish museum



08.07.2021 |EENSULATE - Final newsletter!

EENSULATE project has finished and we are excited to share our Final Newsletter!

01.07.2021 |EENSULATE - Final review meeting 2nd day

The second day of our final review meeting has ended!
A big thank you belongs to all our partners for the hard work.

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